Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Bother... I am not doing well on this Lent Challenge

You know.  I have had an interesting life the past three years.  I have been very time rich.  I learned the value of time in graduate school.  And I was very careful how I allocated it once I graduated.  I was very careful with my choices and commitments and how they would encroach on my time.

I loved how I spent my time the past 18 months.   The past four months I have made choices that have limited my time.   It has been hard, but it was necessary.

I guess what I have learned is to set boundaries around your time.  Avoid time wasters, and treat your time a valuable asset.   Because when you are at a stage in life when you are time poor, you will miss it more than any monetary amount.

How do you all spend your time?   How do you wish you could spend your time?  What prevents you from doing it?

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Why do people volunteer?

I spent my day with people who work for an organization completely for free.  Why do people volunteer?  How are they different from the employee?  What are the most effective ways to work with them?

I am going to write about that this Lent too.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Should you start a nonprofit?

So after thinking about it.... I am not going to publish my half-thought out blogs on my professional blog.  But I will do it here.

The past three years I have worked with people trying to start nonprofits and other social ventures.

I want to create a clear flow chart that helps people think through whether they should create nonprofit.

But tonight I am tired.  I am working on the chart.  I hope to have it done in the next few days.  

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lent Challenge 2015

This year for Lent I have given myself the Ira Glass challenge.  He challenges people to create a volume of work rather than worry about the quality.  The quality will come as you go through the process of creating the volume.

I have seen this in my life.  Last year I took a challenge that pushed volume over quality and I grew so much from it.

This year I am taking it into my professional world.  Some of you may know I run my own business.  It has reached the point that the blog aspect of the business needs to start happening, but I keep putting it off because it is not "quite right"  I need to stop that.  So I am forcing myself to blog.  I am giving myself some leeway by allowing my personal blog to count too.

But for the next 40 days I have to blog every day either here or on my business blog, and then share the blog post on facebook.

The blogs won't be long.  I am working 70-80 hr work weeks right now.  This is a tight challenge.  Most blogs will probably happen late at night.

But the volume will be created.  Ira your challenge is accepted. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lent Challenge: Holy Week

Kelley got a little off on the 40 day challenge so her posts went into Holy week.   Ann and I added posts that week too, but they were not as long as the first 40 days.  I am just adding all of them here.

The Savior Suffers in Gethsemane
Jesus, Peter, James, and John retire to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus submits to the Father's will and begins to suffer for the sins and afflictions of man...
What a beautiful Good Friday thought: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpFhS0dAduc&list=PLAD2B4B644506DFDB&feature=share&index=4

"One of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, utterly alone pat... See More

None Were with Him - An Apostle's Easter Thoughts on Christ
One of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so. The Church ...

DAY 40! Because of Him I can do all things! On this Easter day I am so grateful for the great sacrifice that Christ suffered for us, but mostly I am awed by the promise that comes with His resurrection that says that I too will continue living after death. There is no limit to my progress and growth, there is no limit to my learning, there is no limit to my experience, there is no limit to my joy!

Happy Easter everyone!

#Easter #40daysoftruth #LentChallenge2014 #done.

Because of Him
Jesus Christ is our Savior. Because of Him, we can change for the better and live again with God. This Easter season we celebrate His life and Resurrection a...

Ok... I know I promised this would end with the 40 day thing, but a few friends have invited me to keep the challenge going one more week, for Holy week. I will just post videos. no more written posts  It is after all a Lent Challenge, and lent is not over yet. #LentChallenge2014


"You can change. You can ‘come unto Christ, and be perfected in him.’” –Russell M Nelson

Visit http://mrmn.org/1hXT00b to learn more about what's possible #BecauseofHim

Photo: "You can change. You can ‘come unto Christ, and be perfected in him.’” –Russell M Nelson

Visit http://mrmn.org/1hXT00b to learn more about what's possible #BecauseofHim

For this final week I am sharing posts from the #BecauseofHim site. Take some time to click the link and visit the site. #LentChallenge2014
"[Jesus Christ's] Atonement allows us to leave the past behind and move forward with clean hands, a pure heart, and a determination to do better and especially to become better." –Dieter F Uchtdorf

Visit http://mrmn.org/1hXTeV8 to learn more about what's possible #BecauseofHim

Jenny Barrow shared a link.
The last supper was given to us to help us remember. Remember what happened this night close to two thousand years ago. #LentChallenge2014

The Last Supper
Meeting in an upper room with His disciples, Jesus washes their feet, institutes the sacrament, and commands them to love one another. Download this video he...

Jenny Barrow shared a link.

For Good Friday there are so many videos to share. Christ taking on the sins of the world in the early morning hours at Gethsemane. Christ's being scourged, His condemnation by the people, His conversations with Pilate. His death on the cross, sealing the price of all of the pain and the suffering of the atonement.

I want to share this video. Because I have not been asked to do Christ's role. I am not the Savior of Mankind, but I have been asked to fulfill Peter's role. I have been asked to stand as a witness for Christ. And this Good Friday story has always touched my heart. I understand and empathize with Peter.

Jesus Is Tried by Caiaphas, Peter Denies Knowing Him
Watch and share a short video depicting Matthew 26:57-75 in the Bible, "Jesus Is Tried by Caiaphas, Peter Denies Knowing Him" Also see related text and photos.

Jenny Barrow
April 19 via YouTube
  • #LentChallenge2014

    Uploaded by Mormon Channel
    Jesus is persecuted, mocked and crucified. His followers mourn, and find the tomb empty on the third day. The Son of God breaks the bands of death and ascends to His Father in Heaven. -Easter Part 2 http://mormonchannel.org/bible-videos The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints

Jenny Barrow shared a link.
Thank you again everyone for going on this Lent challenge with me. I know there is truth, truth that doesn't change.

I know all truth comes from God, no matter how we think we discovered it. I know God gave us His Son, and His Son willingly gave His life so we can all live again and live with our Heavenly Father, if we so choose. Death is not the end, our sins, mistakes, and pain do not define us.

I am so very grateful for this gift, it is why I want to share this message with everyone, so they have the choice too.

Happy Easter! #LentChallenge2014#40daysoftruth#becauseofhim


The Meaning of Easter
Jesus is the Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer. Because of Him, death is not the end, and life takes on new meaning. We can change, we can start over—and we can live again with God. This Easter, celebrate His life and discover all that’s possible...

Lent Challenge Day 40

Day 40: My heart is full. Over the last 40 days I have shared with you things that I know to be true. Things that bring me great happiness and peace. Things that give me joy and understanding. I have struggled to put them down in just the right words but the spiritual confirmation I have received about these things is so much stronger than words. It is beyond mortal words. I have done my best.

I have only begun to share what this gospel means to me. It is a continual process of learning and relearning and diving deeper as I understand it a little better each day. I hope you understand me a little better and why I do/live the way I do. Because it is a process Of continual growth, I'll probably be back at some point sharing something more that I have learned.

I want to leave you with my final testimony of the Gospel of Christ. I recorded it a few days ago and have gone back and forth over the idea of posting it or not. I can't deny the feeling I get that it needs to be shared.

It's not perfect. There is nothing fancy about it- except that I did fix my hair and put on some make-up. That's about as fancy as I get. It's me. It's from my heart.

And, if nothing else, it's here, saved for my children and their children. They are the ones who I desire most to know these things. I share my testimony with them as the opportunity arises, but now it's all recorded.

♥ Ann #40daysoftruth #LentChallenge2014

Jenny Barrow shared a link.
Day 40: Fall into the hands of the living God, receive all that God is trying to give you.

In Hebrews 10:31 Paul uses the phrase, "Fall into the hands of the living God." I love the imagery of that phrase. The trust involved in falling, the hope involved in being caught. We need to trust in God, we need to have hope in God.

On Day 39, I shared the first obstacle to receiving revelation, we feel unworthy. The second obstacle is pride. The feeling that we can do it ourselves, we don't need anyone to help us. We can learn all the truth there is to learn on our own. We don't need to hope in anything or anyone, because we are good enough on our own. We don't need a belief in God.

God is trying to give us so much. But we often refuse to receive it, our pride causes us to refuse God. Trust and hope are natural removers of pride. Trust is letting down our defenses and believing in the promises someone is extending to you. Hope is an action of belief in a better future, a better reality. Hope causes you to focus outward. Pride causes you to focus inward.

God is extending His love towards you in so many ways. He is willing to receive you. You just have to choose to receive Him.

Give and receive. Give yourself to God, receive what He wants to give you. God has promised He will receive all who honestly come to Him. He is after all the giver of good gifts. The best gifts. His love. His glory.

This video goes with this final thought. I love it for a variety of reasons, so I am sharing it now.

Thank you for reading these posts. I know they were long at times (and poorly punctuated). They are just the tip of the iceberg of my thoughts and feelings on God and truth.

I wish we were able to discuss these things more openly without people tensing up and turning away. I promise I will go back to more socially acceptable behavior. But I think it is a little sad. I would love to read your thoughts on truth and God someday too. I would love to have an honest discussion about these things. Thank you again.

I know everything I shared this past 40 days is true.

#40daysoftruth #LentChallenge2014
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Lent Challenge Day 39

The Last Supper
Meeting in an upper room with His disciples, Jesus washes their feet, institutes the sacrament, and commands them to love one another. Download this video he...

Day 39: Jesus Christ lives and will one day return to this earth.

"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 24:36

We don't know when Christ will return to this earth. But, I look forward to that day. Whether I'm still here on this earth or not, it will be a glorious day in my book.

I know that Christ lives.

 Ann #40daysoftruth #LentChallenge2014

He Lives: Testimonies of Jesus Christ
See and hear modern-day Apostles testify that Jesus Christ is the Savior and that He lives today. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Jenny Barrow shared a link.
Day 39: Come unto Christ, He will receive all who give themselves to Him.

These last two days I am going to discuss the two biggest obstacles we face as we seek for truth, for revelation, for God.

The first is we feel unworthy. We all make mistakes, we have all sinned, we are all unworthy. But our Savior and our Heavenly Father are prepared to forgive. Forgiveness is the reason our Heavenly Father asked Jesus Christ to be our Savior. And our Savior says over and over He is willing to forgive all those who come to Him and repent.

God will forgive you. We also need to forgive others, and forgive ourselves. Some of my moments of greatest joy have been those times when someone has grated me forgiveness. The greatest sorrows in my life have been those times when I asked for forgiveness and it was denied. I was not given permission to change.

God has asked us to forgive all people, to let people change. God is willing to forgive us and to let us change. The Lord wants to forgive us, we just need to come unto Him. He will help us to change. He will help us to feel joy.

#40daysoftruth #LentChallenge2014http://www.mormonchannel.org/video/mormon-messages?v=3446112587001&cid=HPWE040914672
Mormon Messages
A former addict and repeat convict shares his experiences with the Savior's ability and willingness to forgive him again and again, even when he felt undeserving.